I get a newsletter from Chrisianity Today movies which I usually enjoy. The discussions and reviews can be insightful. But every now and then I scratch my head and say, "Okay. What?"
The latest one was about foul language in PG movies. Apparently, moviemakers are seeing a rise in ticket sales for PG movies without aforementioned language. The author of the newsletter applauded this.
This is without commenting on the fact stated elsewhere in the newsletter that violence and sexual content had no negative affect on sales. So a character can shoot at people and say double entandras as long as he or she says "gosh" and "heck" the whole time. At least our priorities are in the right place.
It's nice that we don't want children saying bad words, but is that really a moral issue? I grew up believing that "shut up" was swearing. Since I thought using naughty words was the ultimate evil, I grew up to be polite in that respect. But I still got angry and tried to punch people out when I got frustrated. (Thankfully, I wasn't that good at it.) Which one was the bigger issue?
Manners are good, but they also help us whitewash the exteriors so we look good. Are we doing this with our speech as well? Why doesn't it extend to our actions?
I guess what I'm trying to say is, what the #&^$%&@*^%&@% happened to our moral compass?
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