Please watch the news responsibly. I've noticed a trend in news headlines that most likely isn't new. Most of them are distracting or just plain depressing. Never mind the real issues, here's something to be afraid of. Now aren't you enraged? Rant away.
A weighty example is the economy. I know this is a real problem and it's not wrong to report about it, but the dwelling and biases on both political sides are less than helpful. No new information, just political parties to blame. Now get angry and call each other nasty names.
This throws the focus inward. Why can't I keep my 1000 inch TV and other overpriced toys? It's those nasty liberals (or conservatives, take your choice). And when we operate on fear and anger we are that much further from showing love (charity) to others.
It's hard to believe, but most of us are still rich compared to many people in the world. But according to the newsperson, we need to worry. God forbid we lose our cable. Where would we get our fear-inducing news then?
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