Beka's uncle took us to the Great Wall to be "good Chinese" and climb a bit. While on the wall, we decided to take a few pictures. Some local tourists seized the opportunity to get a picture of some whities. We posed, smiled and moved on.
Later, we chatted with T-shirt and souvenir vendors. Okay, Beka's uncle did most of the chatting. But we did our best to listen.
On the way out, we saw a little clay guy that pees when you fill him with water. We considered bringing one with us until Uncle Steve told us he quits peeing when you get him home.
On the way to and from the Wall, we saw another interesting site--an unfinished amusement park bearing a slight resemblance to a certain theme park in Florida. The castle and spacey-looking mountain were particularly familiar. Apparently it had stood unfinished for at least five years.
Later, Aunt Yumi took us to the Olympic super store in Wanfujing. We shopped for Olympic memorabilia in a still crowded store, then roamed the area for good pictures. We came to the oldest Catholic church and noticed a photo shoot of a bride and groom. Beka and I posed in front of the church. Aunt Yumi took pictures of us, as did some random members of the crowd. At one point I smiled for the wrong picture. Oops.
We went out for pizza that tasted remarkably close to some we've had in New York. The middle eastern food we had for lunch was surprisingly authentic as well. Good stuff.
We saw a building with an amusing slogan outside. Beka wanted to take a picture, but some dude in a t-shirt and shorts told us not to. Aunt Yumi asked him who he was in Chinese. He said his name, then ran away to bother someone else.
We ended the evening haggling in Silk Alley. At one point Beka and I were able to use Korean to communicate how much we wanted to pay without the lady in the shop understanding us. Finally we could use Korean. We were pleased.
We bought some things from friends of Aunt Yumi and Uncle Steve, got some good deals and went home.
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