Friday, January 23, 2009

You Should Have Never Trusted Hollywood

Okay, so I never went to film school or movie critic academy or whatever it takes to be a respected "expert". I have watched a lot of movies, and I think I know a good one from a bad one. I guess I wouldn't make it in Hollywood.

The Oscar nominations are in, and I'm quite dissappointed as usual. Slumdog Millionaire is nominated for best picture and best director, but Wall E and The Dark Knight got shafted. At least we can celebrate depressing historical epics and melodramatic fluff passing as fantasy in their place. Why break with tradition?

I'm rooting for Slumdog, hopefully a clean sweep. I rooted for Juno last year, however, and that didn't win. But Slumdog is a movie about hope, so you never know.

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