It's been a random year so far, and I've successfully sucked the fun out of that random goodness by neglecting to write about it. Today I decided since I probably already lost any semblance of an audience by not writing in this blog, this would give me the perfect chance to entertain myself by listing things that make me laugh. So here they are, in no specific order.
Things that only I Find Funny
1.Phrases that sound bitingly sarcastic but are not. For example, Anne of Greene Gables (I had two sisters so shut it) had a great experience and one of her friends cheerfully said "Why don't you write a book about it." The context of her facial expression suggested sincerity, but the words did not. See? I'm laughing my (rear) off right now and you don't know why.
2.Euphemisms that sound worse than just being crude and/or swearing. I won't give specific examples, this being a "safe for the whole family" blog (even though no one reads it as I stated above) but network TV excels at this. Uh, keep up the good work?
3.Charlton Heston movies. This might be a cheat, because I may not be the only one, but locally speaking (friends I encounter the most) I think I am. But for me, the Statue of Liberty scene in Planet of the Apes is up there with William Shatner's"Khaaaaaaan!"
4.Imagining rich people buying "golden" everything. This extends to the extreme image of prosthetic limbs. Hey, when employment is low and luxury car sales are up, nothing's too much of a stretch.
5.The third season of Arrested Development. What can I say? I'm a loyal fan to the end.
6.Sock puppets. I've used this image as a punchline a lot in my lifetime, and if you don't get why this is the funniest concept ever, well, I guess you're just not me.
7.Recent Simpsons episodes. I've seen a couple, or maybe a few, but they made me laugh. I guess that's me being a loyal fan again.
8.Referring to Back to the Future as "THE Trilogy." No, wait, that's not funny. It's just awesome. And accurate.
9. 2 Timothy 3:3 in the KJV. I don't care what it meant then, using the word "incontinent" to convey a lack of self control is priceless.
10. Writing in a blog no one reads. Yeah, that one was a cop out, but to make it funnier I'll ask a question that no one will answer. Because no one reads...yeah,you get the idea.
What are some things that crack you up?
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