Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yet another Travelblog

In case some are unaware, my wife and I joined a group of teachers and students going to the Phillipines over Thanksgiving break. Those who know me know my love of travel is almost equal to my love of yammering about it, so here goes. Day 1.

We arrived at the bus station on time. We also arrived at the airport on time. We got to the necessary desk, and...there was a problem. Two of our students were under fifteen and had the necessary paperwork. Unfortunately in the world of travel, today's necessary is tomorrow's unacceptable. If the parents weren't with us, they couldn't go.

We pleaded, paced nervously a little, then gathered as a group and prayed. This was it. we were going, or sending these three students home. We hoped for the former.

Shortly after the prayer, we got a call from one of our staff members. There was a possible way. It took a while, so those who were able crossed over and waited as we gobbled down overpriced sandwiches. At that point, we had about a half hour to go before boarding.

The flight was delayed by a few minutes and the remainder of the group joined us in time. The flight was four hours long and uneventful.

We heard a whistle while we waited outside the airport in Manila. One of the three dropped and said "I'm fifteen!" Thankfully, the whistling was unrelated.

By 2:00 in the a.m., we were in the Philippines, trying our best to sleep.

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