Monday, April 19, 2010

Taking a Break

While I enjoy the irony of using a blog to say it, this seems the best way to communicate the following: I'm taking a hiatus from blogging. I'm doing this for several reasons and here's two of them.

1. I have nothing to say. It's a harsh self-judgment, but lately listening has worked much better for me. I'm leaving up the blog and the list of blogs I'm following. Check them out for some good reads. I especially enjoy Britt's blog (Drunken Mystic), Stuff Christians Like and the Church of No People. They have a great way of communicating ideas better than I ever could.

2. I care too much. I don't worry too much about comments on Facebook or Twitter, but blogs for some reason feed a concern for validation that is unnecessary. I'll be in touch using Facebook or Twitter (reeseseater), so check it out if you wish. Either way, I wish you all the best. God bless.

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