Thursday, July 17, 2008

Music Review

I recently got Audio Adrenaline's farewell tour CD. It's late, I know, but I don't follow the CCM scene that, well, religiously. Bad pun, I know, but it seemed the best way to put it.

A few months ago I lamented the lack of resemblance to praise we see in the Bible and most praise we see and hear regularly. Something stood out to me in this CD that set it apart.

The lead singer of AA is to blame for the band breaking up. His voice was giving out after years of touring. When we put the CD on, we could tell. He was hoarse most of the time, and he frequently changed keys while singing so he could hit the notes. If these guys weren't already well-known, this CD never would have made it to the shelves.

His intro to "Hands and Feet" was what got me. A guy with no voice pleaded with his audience to say "I will go" in obedience to God's leading. This is praise: singing till your voice is gone and then singing some more.

It may not be the best Christian album ever, but it's definitely one of my favorites.

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