Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thoughts on Fasting Part 3 :Media Fast

Some friends and I decided that in matters of time, our things own us. We listed said things and resolved to fast from them for a week. For me, it was internet at home. Other wasters were TV and movies at home, but I hadn't wasted too much with them lately. Instead of those activities, we'd find something more productive to do.

I'll have more to say on the subject, but I wanted to briefly share some tips if this sounds like something you want to try.

1. Have something else in mind to do. I like to read, so I was in heaven. Of course, that flipped when I looked at the computer longingly, and it's ridiculous how little it takes to make that happen. Pushups worked well the first day, but I overdid it so day two and three were a no-go. Day four onward were my days of rest. Rules are rules.

2. Tell everyone what you are doing. This might be common sense, but as I stated in parts one and two about fasting, I thought it was biblical not to tell about it. Of course, "tell" and "show off" aren't the same thing, but you live and learn.

3. Put people above stuff or you miss the point. If your wife wants to watch the Office with you on the computer, that's time together. More on this later, but I'm sure the point is not to read a book and shut people out. After all, they're not the ones making the noise.

More is coming.

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