Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun with Current Events

It's been a rough week already (Is it Tuesday? I think it's Tuesday) so I need some extra laughs. Fortunately, BBC news was kind enough to serve some comic relief.

A headline stated that a chimp planned to throw rocks at people visiting a Swedish zoo. They found rocks in his cage and decided he planned on throwing them. Several thoughts:

1.The report says he hid the stones with the intent to throw and it shows that he was planning ahead. So he's really smart, right? Personally, I think he was trying to store food.
2.There are worse things to throw. At least if you dodge a rock you won't still get pebbles on you and smell like rock all day.
3. Who investigated the crime? Did they use human detectives, or do they train animals to do that?
4. When was it planning to throw the rocks? On the anniversary of Planet of the Apes' release? I'll bet it was. Mark my words.

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