Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Integrity and Stuffs

So, this year I've decided (yeah, let's say that) to broaden my horizons and teach some middle school in addition to elementary ESL. I guess you could say it was decided for me, if you're into facts and accuracy and all that business, but I like my version better. The point is, I'm teaching a few middle school classes.

So far, I've done two days. Day one consisted of, among other things, defining plagiarism as a habit to avoid. We went over examples and definitions, and I thought it went rather well.

Today the same students noticed part of their reading assignment involved finding examples of idioms in a handout and writing them down on a piece of paper. A hand shot up and one young man addressed me quietly.

"Isn't that plagiarism?"

I explained that

a) Your teacher wouldn't ask you to plagiarize (while trying to look as offended as possible)


b) It doesn't fit the definition. We spent a few minutes explaining why.

The p word has been a problem in the past pretty much anywhere I've taught, so the fact a student asked is heartening. Still, come on guys. Give me some credit (offended face continues).

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