Monday, August 3, 2009

Movie Review: King of Kong

In my latest blatant attempt to review a movie without a license I will add insult to injury by reviewing a movie that's been on DVD for over a year. Ah, living overseas.

I waited to see this movie ever since I heard the premise--two gamers go head to head for the title of Donkey Kong champion. I wish it was Starcraft, because I would have seen it by now. Whatever the case, it seemed weird and compelling enough for me to want to see it. I watched clips on youtube, and I was hooked. I had to see it.

During the wait, I learned a lot of generalities about the story, just enough to ruin a movie for someone. So much for self control, but what can you do*. I finally bought it this summer, and I put it in yesterday ready for the letdown.

Here's the funny part. There was no letdown. It's funny, surprising,oddly touching and heartbreaking, and uplifting. I don't want to say too much, because I don't want to ruin it for others, but it's one of my all time favorites. Hollywood fiction has nothing on this one. Actually, I've never seen a documentary come close either. It's that good.

One more observation. The makers of King of Kong chased several possible stories as they followed gamers around, and this showdown emerged. They said wow, that's our story, and went with it. People have called it a story of good vs evil (you have a hero and villain in the film), and it works well on that level. I just think it's interesting because the showdown between these two continues to this day. Neither will rest until everything is settled once and for all. Hmmm.

*besides not looking up spoilers, as that obviously didn't work so well for me.

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