Saturday, February 16, 2008

And back to movies

Whenever I watch a Christian movie I get the urge to watch Tim Burton's biopic "Ed Wood."

Plan 9 from Outer Space was directed by Ed Wood and funded by Christians. It is also considered the worst movie ever made. And Christians have been putting out Ed Wood quality movies ever since.

Ed Wood convinced a "Baptist" church to fund his movie so they could generate funds to make a series about the twelve apostles. He insisted Plan 9 would be a blockbuster. He was wrong.

In the film, Burton portrays the "Baptists" as seeing the flaws in Ed Wood's directing abilities, yet in the end too weak to take a stand and pull out their funds. They trust the promises of a man in love with his work.

The results are tragic and funny, but when I watch Christian movies, I emphasize "tragic".

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