Thursday, October 2, 2008

Get out the Millstones

Consider this an open letter to The Church body.

Stop offending the little ones. I'm sick and tired of watching us insult them. They are not blank pieces of paper; they are clay. They have shapes, and positive or negative influence can shape them. But they are people.

They are people. We stress that fact before they are born, but we quickly forget that once they're in the world. We always stress what they will become, as if they are nothing right now. That is a steaming load, and I'm sick of it.

We give them absolutely no credit when we only focus on the great leaders they can be some day. For now, let's just get you saved. I won't dare expect more from you than that until you become a real person.

Don't we realize there are ways for them to serve Him now? They do. Perhaps in that way among others, they are wiser than we.

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