Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Alternate Christmas Movie List

Last year I mentioned a few movies that I enjoyed watching particularly in the Christmas season. While not overtly Christmas-themed, they seem to reflect the most important elements of the holiday. I'm reposting them along with some more that seem appropriate. I've listed them in no particular order. Here's to a cheese-free holiday.

1.Lars and the Real Girl. It's almost like a Christmas movie without the tree. It teaches about community, and what it really means to put yourself aside to meet the needs of others. This becomes a stretch in the movie, so thankfully, laughs ensue.

2.Children of Men. While the Christmas story is referenced, that's not my reason for including this on the list. It's the overall theme of finding hope through a new life, even in the bleakest of realities. It has to be one of my favorites.

3.Juno. This is another of my favorites. In the midst of the comedy and some characters' mistakes, there are some good choices shown in a believable way. Again, it promotes a sort of hope without cheesing it up. And the soundtrack still rocks.

4.Rent. Christmas bells are ringing, Somewhere Else. Not Here. Spend Christmas Eve with the least of these, and if you can't do that, watch a movie about them.

5.Horton Hears a Who. There's something about affirming life and promoting faith in the unseen that seems very Christmasy.

6.Gremlins. Because it wouldn't be Christmas without poking fun at the commercial aspect somehow. The irony is, even the Gremlins became stuffed toys. Everything's for sale I guess.

7. Die Hard. Maybe it's just because I'm thinking about Christmas parties, and how I'd like to run around barefoot shooting terrorists during them. Or maybe I just have to give Bruce Willis some credit because the other Die Hard films were weak. Whatever the case, it's on the list.

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