Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Taxicab English

Beka and I went out to see Yes Man, a movie in which Jim Carey says yes to every opportunity that presents itself, including learning Korean. A high point of that movie was hearing the audience's response to his Korean. It made me feel a bit better about my own laugh-inducing efforts.

We took a cab home later, and as usual, the driver and I discussed the destination using the Korean name. Often, that does it for taxi driver conversation.

I mentioned the movie to Beka, and what some of the Korean phrases meant. The driver looked at me with a shocked expression and said "You speak Korean very well." What followed next was a very nice conversation, IN ENGLISH. I tried to interject some Korean phrases here and there at first, but I soon gave in. English won.

So, the taxi driver had very good English, and we're in Korea, but he's amazed that I spoke a couple of Korean phrases "very well." Something's wrong with this picture.

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