Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where Was I?

I had one one those rare weeks where I wasn't writing much because we were out doing stuff. Sorry about that. Won't happen again, I promise.

We went to Osaka with another couple for a few days. It was fun, and a lot less touristy than we were expecting, which added to the fun. The whole story is on its way, but since we just got back and I'm tired (okay,lazy) I'll start at the end with lasting impressions.

Lasting Impressions

I might get in trouble for saying this,living in Korea and all, but I like Japan. I guess I could play the dumb foreigner card and say I didn't know I'm supposed to hate Japan. That would work if I didn't just say "I might get in trouble for saying this." Do'h!

Osaka was industrial, but spread out and clean. Kyoto was busier population wise, but also fairly clean. Everyone smoked indoors (including us, it was a rule {I'm joking,Mom}). Our hotel room was nice, but it smelled like smoke. Still, I was amazed at the tiny number of cigarette butts I saw on the streets. I could count them on one hand.

Actually, the same goes for trash in general. Even in non-tourist areas, litter was minimal. I was surprised and delighted to actually see trash cans in public places.

Japan was expensive, but we found some better deals than we expected.

Communication was tricky at times, since Osaka and Kyoto were less tourist-ish than we had expected. Many people didn't speak English, which made communication fun. We were surprised by the flexibility and diversity of non-Japanese residents who would carry on a conversation with us and switch to Japanese when talking to someone else. Good for them. We're so lame.

More to come. Eventually.

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