Sunday, July 12, 2009

Goings on and Stuffs

Saw Bolt and Push. Bolt was better than expected, good for some laughs. Push was awful, and almost made me lose respect for the "not yet" guy from Gladiator who was also good in Blood Diamond. Almost.

Saw a Felice Brothers concert, which was also my first real concert in six years or so, give or take a couple. It was high energy, which was good, until it got a little too high energy at the end. Still, how often can you say you saw someone breaking his washboard at a concert? It was also interesting to see the same member of the folk-rock band beat boxing. It's like they asked What Would Dylan Do? And did the opposite. Still, it was entertaining so I can't complain too much.

They also did one gospel-ish song, which coincidentally sounded the best and seemed to be the most high energy (in a non-destructive way). They need to record it so I can buy it. Yeah, some people still buy music. Fine, don't believe me. I got to go download some videos. Later.

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