Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th

A few 4th of July highlights:

1. Before the parade on main street in Windham New York we noticed a lady approach one of many tiny American flags on a fence in front of the public library, snatch it, and walk (semi) casually away. I wanted to yell "Stop stealing America!" but it was too late.

2. During the parade I acquired a new skill--dodging projectile candy. I got pretty good at it too, thanks for asking.

3. When we got home, we discovered the neigbors were having quite a large bonfire without a permit. This is in a rural, heavilly wooded area, so we felt the urge to call it in. A police car and later two fire trucks came up the narrow steep dirt driveway to us, since we were the ones who called. The first two backed up and headed toward the proper house, but the last fire truck had issues turning around. After tearing up another neighbor's driveway a bit, lots of effort, and more effort on our part to keep from laughing (too loud), they got out. Eventually, all was slightly better. Even later, the fire went bye-bye.

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