Thursday, May 29, 2008

Election Revisited

I find voting increasingly difficult as the years go by. We are given two choices, and neither looks good. I feel like Leslie Neilson in Airplane! who when given the choice of fish or chicken, orders the lasagna. I envy him.

This year I'd like to propose some write-ins. If enough people agree, ah, never mind. I just made a list for kicks.

And the nominees are:

1. Atticus Finch. Yes, he's a fictional character, so I'm sure the press will be all over that one. But he exudes strength and integrity while refusing to show it off. If nothing else, he'd make debates more honest and less entertaining. I would vote for the guy who could blow your head off but refuses to do so.

2. Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs. Let's vote for someone who understands the value of good, hard work. How can you not elect someone who is willing to play in poop?

3. Your mom. Just write in your mother, whoever you are. She works hard, and you know she deserves it.

4. My mom. Or vote for my mom. She'd do a great job. Take my word for it. If you just can't, see number 3.

5. Hurley from Lost. Again with the fictional characters, I know. But only a fictional character would refuse to keep a fortune for himself. He's got my vote.

1 comment:

Blues and Greens said...

Atticus--good leader, but he only stepped up to the plate because he had to.

Mike Rowe--excellent choice--the Presidency is a dirty job. Maybe we'll see that profession highlighted during the next season.

My mom--way too busy with grandkids and the youth of America to deal with namby pamby nation running

Your mom--see the entry about my mom

Hurley--hmmm--good guy--needs a shave something terrible!


See..someone IS reading your blog!